Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The New Dawn... A channeled message

"We are here in these moments to give your eyes and ears 'words' that would evoke re-membering. And within each symbol and space does the infinite exist. Just as you, yourself are infinte.
And upon this moment that your eyes would gaze and translate this page, taking in more than meets the eye, do we call to you. We ask that you create the moment to consider that A New Dawn has arrived. You are in the midst of it. You have been for quite some time now. Yet, there is an acceleration and you are feeling it. It gathers momentum as your linear time commences moment upon moment.
Many of your old ways of being are no longer satisfying. And this is appropriate. Many of you are wanting to relocate your selves. Follow, without hesitation, your guidance to do so. Many of you are leaving relationships for varied lengths of connection. This is all appropriate as well, through you many not understand. And during these times of the New Dawn, there will be so much that the human being will not understand. This will provoke ire amongst so many. We implore you to exercise patience and gentleness upon your self. This is the key to getting through the great shifts and changes upon your planet most effortlessly.
As you struggle with any person, place or thing, realize it is all about healing and moving up an octave in your vibration. Struggle equals resistance. And you may find yourself struggling against that which is inevitable. It is not to be judged right or wrong, good or bad,. It just is as it is. So be kind to yourself in those moments that you would be fraught with frustration, anger, sadness, doubt or fear. It is just part of the process for every human being upon this planet.
The New Dawn is upon you. You cannot stop or deter what is happening. It is a beautiful expression of these times and times ahead. Take in the early light and know that you are not alone. Call to your guidance for assistance when you feel alone and perhaps that all is lost. Call to your guidance and ask for clarity. And it will be given. Be aware that you are embarking on a new way of being. Thus a new way of thinking, communicating, feeling and being with one another.
Yes, being with one another. For separation will soon be a thing of the past. Soon, in times ahead, there will no longer exist the belief of the 'have and have nots'. There will be a disassembly of the 'top heavy' human leadership of your societies. It will be evidenced sooner than you think. Realize dear humans that it is time for community to commence. The 'we' aspects of humanity. You are all in this together you know. There is no one that is excluded or exclusive to what is taking place here and now.
Great change in upon each and every one of you and you expand your consciousness. And as you expand does the matrix of this reality become more 'Light' filled. You are a being of Light. Yes, you. Will you shine so that those that are walking in darkness and sleep, awaken? Will you, in your own infinite wisdom, assist another who has fallen? Will you be the one to lend a helping hand? And with that share Light for others to see as well?
Yes, beloved, you are Light Essence. And it is your time to shine. Welcome those that you seek resbid and comfort and guidance. Encourage them, just as we encourage you, to call upon their guidance and ask for assistance as well. There are so many of that which we are, here to facilitate the greatest transition that your human history has every known. You are here to experience that transition. And with the transition, brings transformation from one way of being or consciousness to a higher vibrational way of being or higher consciousness. Yes, beloveds, this is what is taking place right now.
So rejoice and know you are godly. You are aspects of The One Essence, of Source. As you move through The New Dawn, you will begin to remember. And we do not refer to 'rationale' knowing, we speak of True Knowing. Yes, beloveds, soon, soon.
And we watch and celebrate every moment that reveals just one more human being embracing 'more' of that which they are. For you see, you are no different that that which we are. The only difference is that we are aware and have True Knowing that there is no thing else. And we wait for you to re-member.
We would once again remind you that you are not alone. But you are All One.
Until the next moments that we would merge with your essence and share like moments, journey well. We are watching. Call to us, we are awaiting the moment to be with you more than you could ever imagine. Just a breath away from The New Tomorrow. Blessings, beloveds, blessings upon your journey.
We are Aswon."


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Keep up the good work.

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