Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Times Ahead

Its been awhile since last I wrote. It's nice to be sitting and sharing with you now, in these moments. So much is taking place with each and every human being. Though, in truth, it is all taking place with every thing that exists upon our planet...to include our loving Earth.
It's pretty obvious with regard to the planet. How can that be ignored? Yet, it is, in so many circles. Soon, there will be no way to ignore by those who wish to keep their head in the proverbial sand. Pretending not to see and pretending not to hear will soon be what was. For you see, times soon to come, and I mean soon...perhaps by the end of this current month (October) or early November, there will be more 'strangeness' to be noticed and experienced. Much of this will possible bring more 'strain-ness' along with it. It will last for two months or so.
What it all this about you might ask? It's about our evolution. Moreover, it is about the evolution of our planet that we reside upon. She is moving into her evolution and will be going through the processed of finding balance. She is in the process of 'reclaiming' what she is. She is in the process of purifying, cleansing and stepping up her vibration. Oh, how she has waited so very long for these times.
The beautiful thing is this: We are able to move through these with her. For the first time in human history, we are able to come along for the ride instead of being called back to Source. Yes, we are allowed to be here and experience the grand shift in energy and consciousness with her. For indeed, just as the consciousness of our Earth is changing, so is that of all things, including you and I... all humans.
And this is where we, as a species, may notice the struggle from time to time. Why? Because we don't understand what's going on. We don't understand what's taking place. Well, what's taking place is this: We are moving into a vibration and reality that is new and uncharted. This means that no one understands it. I will repeat this. No one understands it! And, this is very important for humankind to realize.
Regardless of how frustrating it may seem, we are moving into a new reality. What we used to know and how be used to be, is not longer 'fitting' in the new energy that is part of our world now. And more of this energy is coming. And this is what is taking place now and the times to come as mentioned above. Oh, it'll be coming and setting in for the new few years. It is just that at this point in time, there is a larger exposure and influx of the energy. And what the energy does is raise the vibration of our reality.
The new energy is not compatible with the 'old' energy. What is the 'old' energy? It was an energy that did not mind that humankind reacted from fearbase. It was an energy that allowed us to focus upon and believe we are separate. The new energy, or higher vibration, that is upon us now, embraces unity, community and higher conscious awareness. Fear is recognized but not embraced. The new energy brings forth opportunity for change. Necessary change.
We are being prepared for something far greater than we can imagine. And we have asked for this eons ago. A promise was given and it will become real quite soon. Yet, remember, it is important to 'keep up' with what is taking place. as vibrations rise. A key to this is just to accept what is happening without judgment. It doesn't mean you have to like what you are seeing or feeling, just accept it. There will be so much happening in these times to come that you will perhaps find yourself 'stuck' or 'not know what to do'. What has been shared with me by Spirit, is that is it just a matter of 'being in the flow of that which you find yourself regardless of what it looks like.' And this is what I share with you.
So, when you find yourself feeling more stress or struggle seems to be present, sit and just breathe. Say to yourself: 'this too shall pass.' And so it shall. Instead of being caught up in a loop of attaching a reason why, just let what is taking place, take place without commentary.
It is time to embrace your evolution. Perhaps this isn't what you thought it would look like. Well, this is part of what our process is. As our Earth finds balance and expresses herself in the way she does, she does not think about it. She is rejoicing in her destiny of being once again in balance. The same applies to us. Even though there may be 'eruptions' in our lives or 'landslides' or other 'devastation'... we are only purifying and restoring our balance as well.
And that balance is, our own balance plus that as a human organism or species. It is no longer me and you. It involves all of us. We are all in this together.
Rejoice in these times and realize that we are being restored to the higher consciousness whereby we will, each and every one of us, remember exactly and who and what we are. And in that awareness will be live life as never before, as a communion of souls, experiencing living a physical life through the human vessel.
There is nothing to fear. Have faith in these times and times ahead. Realize that whatever it is that your life, personally, or life experience globally, there is a Bigger Picture that we do not and will not understand. And this is all right. Remember, we are experiencing something that has never been experienced before.
We are magnificent beings and soon we will all know this without a doubt. Can you imagine this? I say unto you, it is so.
Journey well friends...and don't forget to breathe.
Many blessings and much love ...


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